
Skincare Products Vs. Homemade Acne Treatment

Skincare products or homemade acne treatment? Which should we go for when pimples are a true nuisance? There are various ways of dealing with acne and the most common and within reach is that of buying ready-made over-the-counter products that are advertised as solutions to skin problems. On the other hand, a homemade acne treatment takes more time to make and use since you have to prepare the ingredients and follow certain steps for the application. What about efficiency and safety?

Some skincare products aggravate acne

Regular skincare products include a wide range of chemical substances meant to give them the creamy soft texture we so much appreciate. There are also colorants and perfumes that are further added to the composition. The rest are the so-called active ingredients that will get you rid of acne. There have been cases when the treatments have aggravated the acne instead of curing it by the irritative effect of some of the ingredients.

Therefore, why not use those elements that you know to be clean, pure and efficient in their natural form. Thus, a homemade acne treatment will have all the advantages promised by a famous skincare product and more. Instead of buying some chamomile cream why not use the plant as such to wash your face with twice a day? The same thing holds valid for a lemon-extract cream; if this citric fruit is known for its positive effects against acne, why not take advantage of the fresh lemon juice to get rid of zits?

Suggestions for homemade acne treatment solutions

Herbs, fruits and vegetables represent the main ingredients of any homemade acne treatment. Natural fresh juices have soothing and regenerating properties as well as the power to stop infections and detoxify the system. Aloe vera and cucumber calm the redness and the irritations associated with acne, zinc oxide will disinfect and put a stop to the spreading of the zits, and this is just to give a few examples of what lies out there within one's reach.

The list of homemade acne treatment varieties is very large; all it takes is patience to investigate and a little effort to put the knowledge into practice. A green diet or a detox diet is also the one to give the answer to the internal problem that could lie behind acne. It has worked like a charm for many who have tried this approach so don't miss out.


Bendz said...


I think, Homemade acne treatment is always good.

Good post and Keep it up.

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Anonymous said...

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Money for Bangladeshi said...

No brother i think Natural Acne Treatment is better than others.

monwar said...
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Monwar said...
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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Skincare products vs. homemade acne treatment,,?
I think they are all the same, in a way that they are all in the same matter.
Just as long as it worked. It's more than good.Needless to say, all we need here is Acne Treatment .

Unknown said...

It is good to be informed too by some homemade acne treatment, so that you can do it alone or even just at home, without any hassle consultation.


Unknown said...

Personally, to treat my annoying problem, I've visited a cosmetic clinic for an acne treatment in Toronto. I've heard that they are really good and I'm sure that they will recommend me something useful, with satisfying results!
In fact, it's all that matters... I want to have a softer skin, without scars and problems!

Unknown said...

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eMedOutlet said...

There has to be two parts of the treatment. First one will be internal such as exercise, yoga, meditation, healthy diet, enough sleep, which will enhance over all health. Second one will be home remedies for skin such as massaging Papaya paste on face, applying lemon or raw potato juice, cooling with cucumber paste. If both of the treatments are combined, the result will be noticeable.

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