
Skincare Products Vs. Homemade Acne Treatment

Skincare products or homemade acne treatment? Which should we go for when pimples are a true nuisance? There are various ways of dealing with acne and the most common and within reach is that of buying ready-made over-the-counter products that are advertised as solutions to skin problems. On the other hand, a homemade acne treatment takes more time to make and use since you have to prepare the ingredients and follow certain steps for the application. What about efficiency and safety?

Some skincare products aggravate acne

Regular skincare products include a wide range of chemical substances meant to give them the creamy soft texture we so much appreciate. There are also colorants and perfumes that are further added to the composition. The rest are the so-called active ingredients that will get you rid of acne. There have been cases when the treatments have aggravated the acne instead of curing it by the irritative effect of some of the ingredients.

Therefore, why not use those elements that you know to be clean, pure and efficient in their natural form. Thus, a homemade acne treatment will have all the advantages promised by a famous skincare product and more. Instead of buying some chamomile cream why not use the plant as such to wash your face with twice a day? The same thing holds valid for a lemon-extract cream; if this citric fruit is known for its positive effects against acne, why not take advantage of the fresh lemon juice to get rid of zits?

Suggestions for homemade acne treatment solutions

Herbs, fruits and vegetables represent the main ingredients of any homemade acne treatment. Natural fresh juices have soothing and regenerating properties as well as the power to stop infections and detoxify the system. Aloe vera and cucumber calm the redness and the irritations associated with acne, zinc oxide will disinfect and put a stop to the spreading of the zits, and this is just to give a few examples of what lies out there within one's reach.

The list of homemade acne treatment varieties is very large; all it takes is patience to investigate and a little effort to put the knowledge into practice. A green diet or a detox diet is also the one to give the answer to the internal problem that could lie behind acne. It has worked like a charm for many who have tried this approach so don't miss out.

Cystic Acne Treatment

Cystic acne break-outs can be painful and lead to deep scarring. Some dermatologists consider it to be the most severe kind because topical medications do not get to the root of the problem. It heals extremely slowly because it is so deep that the infection is trapped under the skin. Cystic acne treatment is usually limited to oral medication so all cases should be taken to a dermatologist.

Treatment for Cystic acne

Cystic acne on first glance may look similar to nodular acne. The difference is that unlike nodular acne, cystic acne is pus-filled. So it is important that before starting up the treatment for acne it should b identified from a specialist what form of acne is their to be treated. This ensures a speedy treatment and recovery and also avoids further complication.

Isotretinoin is the most common, and most potent drug prescribed for cystic acne treatment. It is a man-made form of retinoid (Vitamin A) that is taken in pill form.

An alternative treatment is injections of cortisone into the cysts to decrease the inflammatory response. Accutane is used by many dermatologists due to the severe nature of the acne.

Oral contraceptives are used as cystic acne treatment in females. It suppresses overactive sebaceous glands, and is safe to be used long-term.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil does help acne but only to a limited degree. If you have mild acne it may be worth giving it a go.

One of the problems with natural products is the huge variation between different products containing similar ‘natural ingredients’.

If tea tree oil is not carefully purified and processed it can actually become cause allergies and even irritation. Some poorly made tea tree oil products cause severe allergic reactions in around 1 in 20-40 people who used these products.

Although Cystic acne is resistant to many acne medications, there are treatments available that can help. Currently Accutane or Isotretinoin is the most common and effective treatment but the side effects can be severe. Don’t fear the side effect though; all you need is a little help in understanding the things you can do to help prevent them.

It is highly recommended that people with cystic acne should visit a dermatologist. If the patient is suffering from light to moderate cystic acne then he/she can take antibiotics which have the tendency to kill the bacterium but approximately 30%-45% of today's cystic acne strains are resistant to one or more of the common antibiotics, making them useless. Additionally long-term use of antibiotics is associated with increased cancer risks. Many dermatologists these days give oral drugs such as Accutane and sulfa-based antibiotics for cystic acne. Oral antibiotics such as tetracycline and minocycline are also more effective for cystic acne because they work systemically.

This particular treatment for cystic acne will also make a person's muscles ache. By carrying out gentle exercises and also taking plenty of rest on a regular basis will help prevent this particular side effect from becoming any worse.

Although cystic acne treatment can lead to certain side effects two of which we have mentioned above however many patients do find that once they have completed their course of treatment, their acne problems do subside.

Cystic Acne Explained

Cystic acne is an illness. It is the result of an plague down in the skin pore. The pore fills with pus andTurnbombastic, which then Turnnoticeable as a cyst on the skins surface. They are usually red in color and often have a white center where the sinus is noticeable.

The true reason why cystic acneforms is that the pores get blockade, usually with superfluous oil. Once the pore is blocked the stage is set for germ to rank readily and causes an infection.

By: Saiera Hilton


How to deal with hand redness or skin peeling in winter

It is compulsory to have a winter skin care routine. If you will not change your usual skin care practice it will affect your complexion in winter. Generally in winter most of us suffer from reddening and peeling of skin. Our skin starts getting drier and the cold weather makes it rough that is why it starts reddening. It is some kind of inflammation caused by drying and low temperature. You need to use some protecting cream which moisturizes your skin and stops it from drying faster.

This article describes the dryness of the environment in winter season and effecting your skin specially hands and enlighten how it deprives skin of moisture and causes water to evaporate very quickly causing redness of hands and how can you take care of your hands during winter.

Mostly our hands are affected by this frost, wind, dry air. So to avoid this problem you need hand baths with some simple additions – oak bark, milk, sea or table salt, bark of bird cherry tree. Here you’ll find some original recipes, which will help you to make your hands smooth and white. Generally in the cold seasons wear gloves or mittens. It protects hand skin from drying and reddening. Apparently a little warm milk will soothe away the redness in your hands if you rub it into your hands each night.

When your hands become red, you can make cycle of bathes from cold and hot water, alternating them. That is so-called contrasting hands-bathes for you. Repeat the procedure 10-15 times finishing with cold bath. Before sleep massage with nourishing enriched cream is recommended.

Every day wash hands with warm water adding some drops of milk or cream. Redness of hands will disappear little by little. Bathes with sea salt have great effect in this case. Take 200 g. of sea salt and add 1 liter of water and boil for some time. Then cool a little and you’ll get hot “sea” water. Put hands into it for 15 minutes and then put hands into cold water for 5 minutes. Repeat some times. After this procedure, put any cream on the hands.

For skin, which is too sensitive to super cooling, you’d better to make hands-bathes from bark of bird cherry tree. To make such decoction, take 2 table-spoons of bark and add 1 liter of water. Therefore in winter avoid using things that deprives skin of moisture washing gels, lotions and tonics, and also soap in any kind. We recommend you to use gels on thermal water basis. Use environmental protection creams, these creams build a barrier between your skin and the cold, dry winter weather. Use a good, bland moisturizing cream frequently.

These tips will help to prevent what is commonly known as winter itch or redness of hands. As one age and gets older each year, the likelihood of suffering from winter itch is even higher.


Acne Diet - Number One FAQ Answered

I know you're saying to yourself, how can diet and acne be related, because my doctor told me that diet has nothing to do with acne. It's important for you to first understand this: In order to cure your acne, diet is just one change you're going to have to make, there are other factors as well that need to be addressed.

How can I be so sure? I suffered with very severe acne for years. I did everything to try and remedy the problem, from over the counter meds to seeing many different doctors and dermatologists.

I first learned from a health food store owner to stop drinking milk and any and all dairy products. With that alone I saw a great improvement in my skin. I then over the next few years tested many foods and food groups to be able to work with clients on exactly what diet they should consume if they are prone to acne.

Why have doctors been telling us for years that diet has nothing to do with acne? Well think about it. Can a doctor or dermatologist make any money by telling you to just make a diet change? No. They make money when you keep coming in for that office visit, or because you need a prescription for a drug.

I was told very early on by a doctor, that diet has nothing to do with acne and you can eat whatever you want. For many years I believed that. I think it's because we hold doctors in such high regard that when they say something we take it as a fact.

My first visit to a dermatologist was in the late 1970's, and it was during that consultation I had asked the doctor a random question about the relationship of diet and acne. He began laughing like I had just told him a joke. He then said: "there is no scientific evidence to support that diet effects acne in any way."

I can't remember what the doctor said in my third or fourth appointment, but I remember that statement clear as a bell! Being that I was a teenager and this was a doctor with a medical degree of course without question I believed him. I went a good five or six years before I would ever question that again.

You would think that all these years later that doctor's would have a cure for acne. A typical appointment to a dermatologist now has not changed much.

Not that long ago a young man contacted me and he just happened to live in a city that was not that far away. He emailed a few times with some questions, and in one of those emails he said that he had an appointment with a dermatologist the next week and he was going to cancel the appointment.

I emailed him back and said not to cancel the appointment so that I could go with him to see what the protocol is like now. He agreed, and I accompanied him and his mother to the appointment.

The consultation was almost identical to the 1970's appointment I had gone to. The only real difference was the prescriptions he gave him were a little different. All he really did was diagnose that he had acne, then, he prescribed drugs to remedy the problem.

Before we went in I told him at some point to ask the doctor a question about diet. He asked that question and the doctor's response was pretty much what I thought it would be.

"Diet has nothing to do with acne, that's just a myth. Just make sure you eat a healthy sensible diet and you'll be okay." One new little twist, the doctor said acne was a disease.

After all these years instead of a cure it's now a disease, how sad. I paid for his office visit and as for the prescriptions he got, I told him to just throw them away, you won't need them.

A month or so later I received an invitation to have dinner with him and his mother. I got there and rang the doorbell, at first I did not even recognize the young man that opened the door. The last time I saw this kid he had pretty bad acne, now his skin was smooth and healthy. I walked in and his mother took one look at me, then at her son and started crying.

That's what it's all about for me.

By: Cameron McKenna

How The Kidney, Lungs, and Lymphatic System Keep You Acne Free

The kidney

The purpose of the two kidneys is to filter the water in your blood as the blood passes through the kidneys. About 4 gallons of water are filtered every day but only around 3 pints are pulled out as urine.

Alcohol and sugar are the most damaging to the kidney since they kill kidney cells and weaken the kidney function.

Water is the major way the body keeps toxins from accumulating in the body and skin. You need to drink plenty of clean water daily so the kidneys can remove toxins and excess nutrients, vitamins, and minerals from the blood.

When you drink plenty of water, the skin does not have to act as a filter to filter out excess waste from the blood since it is been filter and excreted, as urine, by your kidney.

Water also is needed to keep your skin moist. Water in the skin layers helps to protect the skin from bacteria and toxins that try to pass into your skin.

The more fresh juices you drink and the more fruit or vegetables you eat, the less water you need to drink. All juices contain plenty of distilled water, which contributes to your daily water requirement.

Drinking sodas and other drinks that have sugar cannot be counted as water.

The Lungs

You have two large sacs that are called your lungs. As you breathe in air, the lungs pull oxygen out of the air, which is captured by your blood, routed to your liver, moved into your heart and then moved into all parts of your body.

As you breathe out, waste and carbon dioxide are pushed out through your mouth.

Your cells use oxygen to create energy for you to live by. You need energy for every movement your body does. Oxygen is also used to neutralize toxins, waste and pathogen. The more toxins, acid waste and pathogens you have in your body, the more oxygen is used up to neutralize them. This means you will have less oxygen for cell, organ and other body functions.

If the other elimination channels are weak and overloaded, the lungs will also become overloaded trying to get rid of toxic waste the other channels cannot get rid of.

When your lungs become overloaded with toxins or become weak, more waste stays in the body, making your body more toxic, acidic and susceptible to disease and infections. If you have kidney weakness, liver weakness, lung weakness mostly likely you will have skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis, acne, and many other types of skin disorders.

Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is part of your immune system. It consists of a series of tubes, large and small, that cover your entire body. Through these tubes flows whitish liquid called lymph. Since this system does not have a pump, the lymph is pushed through the tubes by your body's movement or exercise.

Lymph liquid surrounds all of your body cells and is responsible for bringing nutrients to your cells from the blood and to move away toxins that come out of the cells.

Toxins and pathogens that are in your lymph liquid are moved into lymph nodes. In the lymph nodes, this toxic matter is neutralized into harmless chemicals and then moved into the blood and are eliminated through the other channels of elimination.
By: Rudy Silva

Don't Damage Your Skin With Chemicals - Use Blue Light Instead!

I was taught the same "facts" about acne that you might have been told. Wash your face, stop eating all those chocolate bars, and candy and other junk and apply that bad smelling acne cream to get rid of your acne. Well, that advice did not work for me then and it still does not work for me now. There is hope, however. New tech. advances mean that we do not have to burn the acne off our faces with harsh creams anymore. There are better ways to fight acne.

One of the new weapons in our arsenal are these new devices that use blue light to cure acne. Blue light is emitted at a specific wavelength (another way of saying specific color) to kill acne. This amazing technology was discovered by NASA. Originally, they were experimenting with ways to grow and stimulate growth of plants. Scientists discovered that the nasty little bacterium responsible for acne would absorb light in the blue range of the spectrum, heat up and die.

After that discovery, companies designed portable, easy to use devices that emit blue light designed specifically to kill acne. These devices use blue LEDs which are solid state light sources that have an extremely long life so you can use them for a really long time and not have to worry about replacing them. Another side benefit is that they are very durable and won't break if dropped.

Using the blue light device is easy and painless. You simply put the device on your face where you have the acne you want to get rid of. Most units have a timer that takes the guesswork out of it. When you are done, the unit beeps and you can move on to another problem area. Just a few minutes a week will greatly reduce your acne without chemicals and other nonsense.

Acne creams and ointments can help some people who have very severe acne. For people with severe acne, doctor's visits and harsh creams may seem to be the only way to get relief, but even in extreme cases, doctors are now looking to laser resurfacing and other treatments rather than using harsh chemicals. Most of us do not have acne to this degree. Mild to moderate acne can now be treated much more safely with devices which can be used in the privacy of our own homes. Since they are long lasting because of the solid state light emitting devices, the overall costs are lower than traditional treatments. There are many benefits to using light. If you are still using harsh chemicals to cure your acne, stop using them and visit our site. You will be happy you did.

By: Thomas Gage

Acne - How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Scars left by acne on skin appear ugly. This leaves a painful impressions on the patient, people genuinely try to get rid of these scars. They try everything from topical creams, to gels, pills and lotions to remove these scars. Everyone wants flawless skin. However, acne marks may make you feel like hiding your face inside a pillow.

Acne scars develop as soon as you pop pimple or squeeze it out. Popping or squeezing results in a permanent mark at the affected area. The deeper you have peeled the skin, the darker is the mark. Most of the times this action leaves a scar and it gets very difficult to get rid off this scar.

Don’t panic if you have already developed an acne scar. There are some home remedies that will help you eliminate these scars on your face.

Here are some tricks to solve your problem:

a) Take fresh juice of lemon. Now dip a cotton ball in it. Pat your face with the cotton ball and let it dry naturally. Some people may find this a little irritating. You may dilute the lemon juice with some rose water or plain water. Let the surface dry naturally for 15-20 minutes and wash your face with water after a while. Repeat this process at least four times a week and you will see a remarkable change in your skin structure.

b) Prepare a paste with some sandalwood powder and rose-water. Now add 2-4 drops of lime juice to it. Apply this paste on your face and neck. Now, let the solution dry naturally. After that, you need to rinse your face and neck thoroughly. Do this on a regular basis to get best results.

c) Applying cucumber juice on your face with cotton wool. This should be your daily regime during summers. This will help cooling off the skin and tighten the pores. Cucumber juice is extremely helpful in making your skin glow and makes it feel fresh.

d) Another popular homemade remedy for removing acne marks into make a paste of apple and honey. First, make apple paste and then add about 4-6 drops of honey. Apply this mask on your face.

e) Wash off after 15 minutes. This paste helps tightening pores and also makes complexion lighter.

There are some technical procedures that will help you get rid of acne scars:

a) Dermabrasion

This is different from micro-dermabrasion that removes top layer of dead surface skin cells from the face. Dermabrasion is actually a coarser method that removes further layers. The dermatologist will numb your face and then remove layers. The recovery time takes about a couple of weeks. Your skin will scab. Once the scab falls, you will get fresh and glowing skin.

b) Laser resurfacing
This is a method that cleans away pimples and get rid of acne scars. The use of laser is prominent in this method. CO2 laser and YAG laser are the two lasers used commonly in this procedure. This procedure removes the top layers of the skin that has been damaged. The recovery time is a couple of weeks. Your doctor may also apply a topical ointment for speeding up the recovery process.

c) Augmentation

Here, the dermatologist injects fillers usually collagen under the skin. This smoothens acne scarred area. The doctor may take fat from other places in your body and inject instead of collagen. The recovery period is fast.

Always consult a dermatologist prior to deciding on a treatment for acne.

Don’t panic if you have already developed an acne scar. There are some home remedies that will help you eliminate these scars on your face. Here are some tricks to solve your problem.

By: Bertil B Hjert


Secrets to Quickly Heal Acne

Acne can be quite embarrassing. Most people feel that they have lost their control over breakouts. People often visit a dermatologist in hope of getting their problem treated. However, most people don’t realize that natural remedies are as effective as other prescribed medications. If taken regularly, these may also prove very powerful.

Body requires adept nutritional balance and proper skin care. Once you try these remedies, you will certainly notice a difference within four weeks. Here are some effective treatments to heal acne.

a) Honey

Try applying a honey mask on your face once or twice a week. Honey is full of antibacterial properties. It will work towards disinfecting and healing minor blemishes. The best part is that honey is gentle on sensitive skin.

b) Use acne soap

It is important to wash your face with a sulfur based soap specially designed for acne at least twice a day. Wash your face when you first wake up in the morning and then just before you go to bed. You need to be very gentle on your skin while washing. Never ever scrub or use a rough cloth. Remember that over washing your skin can stimulate your sebaceous glands to produce more sebum; thereby increasing your acne.

c) Keep your hair off your face

If you keep long hair or bangs, pull your hair off your face. Remember that your hair contains some amount of oil and may increase breakouts.

d) Go for a good multi-vitamin

If you have acne, then it means that there is something wrong with your body internally. Your skin depends entirely on nutrition. In case, your body is not receiving the right type of nutrition, it fights back. You should take a good multi-vitamin in order to reduce the production of a lot of sebum, clogging of pores. This will also increase the ability of your skin to heal and fight bacteria.

e) Go for chromium

You need to include chromium in your diet. It aids weight loss and also heals skin infections. If you take at least one chromium supplement a day, it will help in healing your pimples quickly and prevent future breakouts.

f) Eat Carrots

Eating carrots will provide beta carotene or vitamin A to your body. This strengthens the protective tissue of the skin and also prevents acne. It reduces the production of sebum. This vitamin is an essential ingredient for the maintenance and repair of the tissue that the skin and mucous membranes are made off. It is also a powerful antioxidant that helps your body get rid of body toxins. Remember that deficiency of vitamin A can result in acne.

g) Don’t wear make up

If you leave traces of make up products on your skin, it clogs pores and results in a good number of pimples and blackheads. If you really want to wear makeup under unavoidable circumstances, it should be water-based.

h) Drink a lot of water

Drinking at least eight glasses of water is very important for clear skin and overall health. Water will remove waste material out of your body.

i) Never squeeze or pick your blackheads and pimples

You may sometimes get tempted to squeeze scratch, rub or touch your pimples and blackheads. If you do, you are actually increasing the production of sebum. Squeezing also ruptures the membranes below your skin and results in infection and sebum to spread under your skin.

j) Wash your pillow case

Your face lays on your pillow case everyday. It absorbs oils coming out of your skin and attracts dirt resulting in skin breakouts. You must wash your sheets and pillow case daily.

k) Zinc

Include food rich in zinc. It is an antibacterial agent and necessary element in oil-producing glands of the skin. A diet low in zinc can cause acne breakouts.
By: Bertil B Hjert


Acne Light Therapy

The most common types of acne affect approximately 17 million teens and young adults in the United States, with the rare acne conglobata occurring in young men and acne fulminans–a severe form of acne conglobata–occurring in teen boys. And with this high of statistics, it is no wonder that Acne Light Therapy is becoming a top choice for safe alternative acne health treatments.
It has been proven in several studies that blue and red light working together through Acne Light Therapy, in specific wavelengths, have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect upon acne. The blue light at 415nm has an antibacterial effect, while the red light at 660nm acts as an effective anti-inflammatory.
But so far, the USDA has approved only the narrow-band, high intensity blue-light therapy for acne treatments with results. And today, it is the best treatment so far, as the blue-light products being developed now do not contain ultraviolet light, or UV rays. The blue-light treatments consist of eight sessions in increments over four-weeks with each one being about 15 minutes long. About 55% of the patients state they saw noticeable improvements.
The reason Acne Light Therapy is so popular as a treatment for acne, as compared to the traditional antibiotics, is because if taken for a prolonged period of time the antibiotics can damage the lining of the gastrointestinal area of the body, in addition to exacerbating the very condition being treated.
One study did an Acne Light Therapy testing, showing that 50% of those who had severe acne problems demonstrated higher levels of toxins in the bloodstream. If this has occurred, attempt to replenish the microflora that has been wiped out due to the excessive use of antibiotics with a probiotic supplement, such as eating bananas.
Additionally, a UK-led study of approximately 10,000 acne sufferers had excellent results with 70% participants reporting they had significant acne improvements with red-blue light therapy. Dr. Tony Chu from London, England, the doctor in charge of the Acne Light Therapy, has made it is his entire career to find a treatment for acne, and is quoted as saying that light therapy is the “most significant advance in the treatment of acne for two decades.”
Dr. Tony’s Chu’s treatment for Acne Light Therapy is a device called the DermaLux, a light therapy box that the acne inflicted individuals can sit in front of for 15 minutes per day. How the treatment works is the acne-causing bacteria is killed by the correct mixture of red and blue light. Recent studies have also applied benzoyl peroxide cream twice daily.
By: Cornel Tanady